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Central Laboratory

For Appointments

Call: 044- 45928540 Ext.:103

Architect i 1000

Architect i 1000

Au 680

Au 680

AU 5800

AU 5800

Capillary Electrphoresis

Capillary Electrphoresis

Coba e 602

Coba e 602

Perkin Elmer -Auto delfia

Perkin Elmer -Auto delfia

Tosho G 8

Tosho G 8

Robotic system that connecting Advia 1800 and Advia Centaur XP Transfers sample from one instruments to another as per tests ordered.
Sample reception area
Barcode system ensuring correct identity of the sample to minimize transcription errors.

Sample reception area
Fully Automated routine Biochemistry Analyzer capable of analyzing more than 1000 samples /hour Assays like blood sugar, RFT , Lipid profile ,LFT and Ammonia , C3, C4 Iron , TIBC Tests etc .,are performed in this equipment.
Fully Automated Biochemistry and Immunology Analyzer based on the principle of Chemiluminescense assay.
Used for BNP, Anti CCP, Vitamin B 12, Vit D 25OH and Hbs assays.
Perkin Elmer
Fully Automated state of art Analyzer for Ist Trimester and Second Trimester screening of High Risk Pregnancies.

Perkin Elmer
Immulite 1000
Fully Automated Biochemistry Analyzer for IGF 1, ACTH, Growth Hormone , Gastrin, Calcitonin and
Thyroglobulin assays.
Immulite 1000