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Cashless Insurance
Direct Number : 044-24765629
044-24761550 (8.00am to 7.00pm)
Contact : 044-45928500 044-24768403}
Emergency :
044-40012345 & 044-24768402

Cashless Insurance

Health Insurance

Health Insurance Policies Provide benefits for hospitalization for illness, disease or Accident.

As per Insurance Policy, 24 hours inpatient stay is mandatory, except for specified day care procedures. (Please refer your Policy conditions or contact the Corporate HR for Policy terms and conditions)

Preliminary Investigations/evaluation are generally not covered under Insurance.

The Insurance Companies do not pay for Non medical expenses like Toiletries, Cosmetic items, buds, masks, Housekeeping charges, Admission Charges, attendant/Registration charges, Medical Certificate, MLC charges, Attender Room charges etc.
(For a detailed list, refer to Insurer guidelines/Copy with Insurance Helpdesk).

In case the patient stays in a room beyond his/her entitled limit (1% of Sum Insured for Normal room and 2% for ICU- inclusive of room & nursing charges, for most companies), the Insurer/TPA may also deduct a proportionate amount from the Total Bill amount and NOT JUST THE ROOM RENT DIFFERENCE. The Patient will be expected to bear this amount.

The TPAs/ Insurance companies may deny Cashless based on certain exclusions like pre- existing ailments, policy exclusions, under the influence of alcohol, AIDS/ HIV related treatments, Sum Insured Exhausted, psychiatric treatments etc.

For Enquires, please contact:
Insurance Dept.: (044) 4592 8500/(044) 24768403
Extension: Pre-Authorization -8499, Admission – 410, Discharge - 3499