Duathlon Relay 2018

Duathlon relay 2018, the second installment of the SRMC&RI Student council initiative took place on Saturday,March the 10th. The event was conducted campus wide, with registrations made open to all members of the SRMC&RI Family- Students, Consultants, Teaching and Non-Teaching …Read More →

Student Council – 2017

The 5th Student Council of 2017-2018 was inaugurated on 29th June 2017. The newly appointed council members were felicitated by the Vice-Chancellor and the Deans. The previous student council was awarded certificates of excellence. The winners of the spoof and …Read More →

Sheik Trophy – 2017

Sheik Trophy- an Annual Intracollegiate Cricket Tournament was organized by III yr. MBBS students on 15th Mar. 2017. The winner of the tournament was II yr. MBBS team & the runner-up was MBBS CRRIs. Mr. Dav Whatmore, Director, Trucoach – …Read More →

SRMC Equinox 2017

SRMC Equinox 2017 – a National Level Undergraduate Medical Conference was conducted from 5th to 7th July 2017. Dr. J. Radhakrishnan, Principal Secretary, Dept. of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Tamil Nadu was the chief guest. The events included …Read More →